Correction of the spelling of the name - দৈনিক মুক্ত আওয়াজ
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Correction of the spelling of the name

I Md. Mohiuddin Uddin Mostofa Kamal Akib Bengali name (মোঃ মহিউদ্দিন মোস্তফা কামাল আকিব) son of Md Mir Kashem Naimee, Mother names Mst Kajol Rekha, Date of birth 01/12/1996(In word: First December Nineteen Hundred Ninety Six).permanently residing at dhaka P.S cantonment District dhaka by birth Muslim by profession student by nationality Bangladeshi
Do here by solemnly affrim and declare as follows:
1)That my name is Mohiuddin Uddin Mostofa Kamal Akibl Bengali name(মোঃ মহিউদ্দিন মোস্তফা কামাল আকিব),Father’s name Md.Mir Kashem Naimee,Mother’s name Mst Kajol Rekha.
2)That out of mistake my father’s name has been recorded as Md.Mir Kashem Naymee and mother’s name Kazal Rekha Kazal. My junior school Certificate Examation 2011,Group : Science Registation No – 1114012921 Bearing Roll- 132640,Name Of Center Chittagong -27,year 2013, Secondary school Certificate Examination 2014 Chittagong, Registation No- 1114012921,Roll- 1026610, Session : 2012-2013,Group Science. Board Of Secondary Education Chittagong ,(Higher Secondary Certificate Examination -2015 Registation No-1114012921 Roll-101110,
3) My Father’s name recorded as Md.Mir Kashem Naymee,and also my Mother’s name recorded as Kazal Rekha Kazal. in the aforesaid Certificate need to be corrccted as Father’s name Md Mir Kashem Naimee and Mother’s name Mst Kajal Rekha after necessary rectification.
4) That the State ment made hereinabove in this affidavit are true to the best of my Knowledge and is truth where of I sign and swear this affidavit appear before the notary public of Bangladesh dhaka on this the 29th day of oct 2020

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